
We’re here to create avenues for professional grade genetics at any level. We focus on the craft farmer and small batch cultivators as well as a handful of brand name favorites.

As we are based in and originally from NY we start our mission with pushing and developing the BEST NYS has to offer. We have learned many things from our innovative West Coast relatives and global cultivators… Though it’s time NYS growers get there chance to make a statement. With legal growing scheduled to start soon (approx 18 months or so from date of legislation-Click for current info) We’re still gearing up so please be patient as we get ready to help further the cannabis revolution and create our NEW CITY

FYI: As we wait patiently for NY to finalize these regulations.

We will NOT SELL any cannabis/marihuana seeds

We ARE currently working on a FREE tester program so stay tuned. As we are working on a soft launch date of OCT 30TH 2021

Until then PLEASE feel free to check out 2 other banks we support & 1 we are getting to know


Irvine has a FREE Tester community & DAGGA has a FREE seed registration to get anyone started. Yet Emerald Rose Grows Sells our Fav Humboldt Seed Company‘s superior grade genetics

There are plenty of other reputable and trust worthy companies out there though these are the ones we currently use. So do your research, and if you find something better. Let us know. We are open to your opinions and suggestions. Follow us @NEWCitySeeds on IG & Twitter


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